hi ho

Friday Round up 3/10/17

Friday Round up 3/10/17

Bringing you the best of news + Internet since late 2016.

A wood dog-carving couple in Idaho is operating a B&B shaped like... a dog. And if you think this is weird, check out the order of the pictures on their slideshow, because you will see a number of muffin options before you see any evidence that this place is a giant Beagle.

Bonus super-sized toaster in back yard

Bonus super-sized toaster in back yard


Casey Anthony is fine, guys. 

FYI ASOS is selling a good slumber party outfit for the casual avocado lover.

Going to try and start feeding my friends this peanut-allergy-curing powder for babies so that I can eat Thai food again.

And finally, Harvey Levin will be our next US president. You heard it here first.


Arkansas Katy Perry Remains Unfazed: The Finale

Arkansas Katy Perry Remains Unfazed: The Finale

No One Will Outshine Chris Harrison Today, Dammit

No One Will Outshine Chris Harrison Today, Dammit