Greetings From Obsidian, Idaho
I should probably just put it out there that my favorite hobby is going to weird places in Idaho and asking people about alien encounters.
Unfortunately, there are no people in Obsidian, Idaho to even ask about UFOs.
But! I did get some pictures of myself standing in front of all of the man-made objects in the area, so it wasn't a total wash.
And most importantly, on my way in I passed an old whore house called Beaver Creek. (I am an idiot and did not get a picture, but I will borrow this one from the Stanley, ID tourist website)
The late madame who ran it used to have a forest pornography museum inside this building where she kept all of the tree branches she found in the Sawtooth National Forest that looked like dicks. But then when she died these idiots took it over and turned it into what must be the least frequented gift shop in America.
I know, the whole world is going to shit.