hi ho

Friday Round-Up 1/27/17

Friday Round-Up 1/27/17


I have not been very present, I am deeply anxious about our brand new Big Dick In Charge, and here are some fun things on the internet:

The all time greatest NYT Live's They Lived Obit goes down the rabbit hole very quickly.

There were, indeed, snow-dwelling dinosaurs. I feel like they've been very underrepresented in the dino-pop culture landscape.

I KNOW IT'S MORBID but how was it not bigger news that the Germans found a FOX CUBE in their river?

This is art.

This is art.

Remember Patti Stanger from Millionaire Matchmaker?? Well, she has a blog now. And yep, it's suuuuper sexist

I know this is old news, but astronaut.io is mesmerizing, still. 

Please enjoy this link to the YouTube page of a Filipino TV show where kids impersonate celebrity musicians. Or just get right to the point and watch this tiny child take on Taylor Swift.

And a hardy congratulations to The Young Pope, for a very well-done montage.

After all Jude Law is a perfect candidate for this role. Because even while playing the Pope, he's sexy and he knows it.



Sean Spicer Is Probably A Serial Killer

Sean Spicer Is Probably A Serial Killer

We're fighting for a fiancé, NOT a pickle

We're fighting for a fiancé, NOT a pickle