Friday Round-Up 2/24/17
Bringing you the best of the news + internet since 2016.
I feel really terrible about this, it's not an ok thing, but the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam has brought me so much joy. It involves an LOL shirt, a girl who thought she was on a TV prank show, and the saddest exile story of all time.
The movie Rock Dog comes out today and it is the most expensive Chinese animated movie of all time! It was also a world class flop in China due to some light corporate sabotage.
Lindsey Graham is my spirit animal.
Graham called across the table: “Anybody who wants to poison the water and adulterate the food is a good man for me!”
Gorsuch and Ayotte gave Graham panicked looks.
“Didn’t you hear what Nancy Pelosi said?” Graham asked, referring to the House minority leader’s comment that Gorsuch should be considered a lousy pick by anyone who breathes air or drinks water. “She said if you eat it or drink it, he’s bad!”
Gorsuch forced a relieved smile, getting the joke.