Crazy Rabbit Lady, You Are My Life Now
Gods be praised, the Daily Mail has delivered the story of the year.
Giant bunny breeder Annette Edwards is understandably upset that the son of her giant rabbit Darius has died in a holding room mid-plane transfer from the UK to Chicago. Yeah, yeah whatever.
DON'T GET ME WRONG I CARE ABOUT GIANT BUNNY DEATHS AS MUCH AS THE NEXT PERSON but Annette is so much more than a grieving bunny mom.
For one, she claims to be a former Playboy Bunny. This feels hard to verify, but she has posted this recreation of her photoshoot on her personal website and I will take it as a fact.
...from Playboy Bunny to Rabbit Breeder: The Annette Edwards story? BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE.
“Annette Edwards previously hit the headlines after she spent £10,000 on plastic surgery to transform herself into a real-life Jessica Rabbit.”
After deciding that she had not quite leaned into this Leporidae theme hard enough, this British hero demanded to physically transform into America's most noteworthy rabbit-wife. Yay now she can be sexy AND bang rabbits. #blessed
via Daily Mail
What a beautiful gem. RIP giant bunny son. Your life was too short. I will send you off with this quote from your bunny mom and this sexy, sexy picture of her.
“Simon was a stunning boy with black fur and blue eyes and the gentleman wanted a boy he could show off which was going to be so nice for Simon.”